Friday, October 29, 2010

destructive love

Even though Idaho is a remote place, that doesn't really say much to us Europeans, there is something irresistibly  romantic, melancholic and mysterious in its name and the vast plains. Such a picture of this far away American state has surely been shaped by the 90's  Gus Van Sant's cult film, where the love and friendship are overlapping in the story about two young male prostitutes, impersonated by young Keanu Reeves and River Phoenix.
On October 31st 1993  Phoenix died from an overdose in front of an LA club, he was one of the most promising young actors in Hollywood at the time. His role in My Own Private Idaho and the tender scenes with Keanu Reeves helped ratify Phoenix's status as a gay icon. In two days it will be 17 years after River died.
Idaho is also famous for potatoes, one third of the potatoes consumed in America come from that state. Our potatoes are coming from Belgium, and we will make today potato cakes with melted goat cheese, lentils dahl and cucumber raita.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

a new project?

The knitting has been quite popular lately, they do it on trains, sundays, evenings, before the shows,  parties, while walking a dog, or watching after their herd of sheep. I guess it is finally cool to knit, even though the children in the sweatshops in India and China might think different. Next time you fall off your feet in one of those stores that sell 100% cashmere sweaters for 29.99 that are so hard to resist, try to think who in the production chain got screwed up and why not take up knitting yourself. I know you don't have time, but while you are looking after your sheep you can easily finish up the whole front of the sweater and half of the sleeve :-)
There is a great project that I discovered couple a days ago through a friend, called urban knitting, it is just amazing what they all created, go and have a look ! 
Love the idea og making this world a more pleasant place trough such an old craft.
All this knitting intro leads to Our House menu for today, it is a Shephards Pie, we had it on the menu couple of months ago and the reactions were more then positive, so it is the time for a second edition. I discovered that they make a very similar dish in the Middle East, so the one of today will be a slightly oriental version with possibly some mint and we'll see what else.
See you this evening!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

old man and a savoy cabbage

So catering is behind our back, people were happy with all the cup cakes, there were some ricotta rolls, carrot ginger soup and coconut cake and lots of kids :-), colourful and cheerful in every sense.
To balance it out, because it is all about the balance isn't it? I thought let's make tonight something completely different, my cook book says it is a rustic oven dish, something I could imagine this old man on the picture would appreciate a lot. Basically it is a pasta mixed with savoy cabbage,  cherry tomatoes, potatoes and ricotta, all baked in the oven under a layer of mozzarella and parmigiano. I think it will be super delicious and perfect for a day like this. We have couple of tables already reserved for this evening but there is still some place, take care!

Friday, October 22, 2010

out of house

Hi dear friends! Our House is today on 22nd of October exceptionally closed, we took on a catering for tomorrow and we have to make around 1000 snacks , halleluia :-)

thx for understanding we are tomorrow back on our usual scheadule, cheers!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

warming up

yes I've been lazy and out of focus last week, only one single post, not worth mentioning, even my moustache project has failed which doesn't mean I won't try again . Only excuse I have is called Croatian Distraction, my little sis had been visiting and we had a great time together, talking, walking, shopping... and she was a great help in Our House as well.
Anyway, she is gone, and two of us are all warmed up for the new week, we will try to look a bit more decent then the two gentlemen on the photograph :-)
You wouldn't believe it but I even know what is on the menu tomorrow, I'm preparing already an Our House classic by now, and that is Chili sin Carne, the ones who haven't tried it yet please do not hesitate, the heath of the chillies is just perfect for these chilly evenings, i guarantee you that you'll get warmed up :-)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

house of fools

I just realised that I posted a week ago that we will be closed till 30.10. shame on me ! So not true, and in the mean time I edited the post to avoid further confusion. I guess I desired a real holiday and not only a weekend, but listen weekend was great as well :-)
This evening I'm making a potato/tomato tortilla, with kidney beans baked in the oven and a coleslaw. Different textures, different colours, just different :-)

Friday, October 1, 2010

love and order

This morning I shaved of my beard, and decided I'm going to grow a moustache this week. As some of the most impressive examples of this token of masculinity are to be found on the Indian subcontinent, I concluded that this has to have something to do with the hot curries these hot men eat :-)
So, join us for a hot heart warming curry this evening and see who's mustache will grow faster and stronger !